Groovy Puzzlers S03 — The Unstoppable Puzzlers Hit Again!

Day 1 / 12:00  / Track 4  / Язык: RU

Did you think that we were out of puzzlers?! Well, we might be — but the Groovy community sure isn’t! Per usual, we’ve got a bunch of awesomely puzzling contributions and you are going to have a shot at winning one of the prizes. Attend this session to have some fun while getting a workout in for those muscles — you’ll tease your brain and then stretch out for the flying t-shirts too!

Baruch Sadogursky

Baruch Sadogursky, JFrog

Baruch Sadogursky (a.k.a JBaruch) is the Developer Advocate of JFrog, the creators of Artifactory Binary Repository, the home of Bintray, and JavaOne 2011 Duke Choice Awards winner. For a living he hangs out with the JFrog tech leaders, writes some code around Artifactory and Bintray, and then speaks and blogs about all that. He does it repeatedly for the last 10 years and enjoys every moment of it.

Viktor Gamov

Viktor Gamov, Hazelcast

Viktor Gamov is a Senior Solution Architect at Hazelcast, the leading open-source in-memory data grid (IMDG). Viktor has comprehensive knowledge and expertise in enterprise application architecture leveraging open source technologies. He has helped leading organizations build low latency, scalable and highly available distributed systems. He is co-organizer of Princeton JUG and New York Hazelcast User Group. He is a co-author of O’Reilly's “Enterprise Web Development”. Viktor’s presenting at the conferences, blogging and producing a podcast. Follow Viktor on Twitter @gamussa.

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